How I Partied – A Perfect Pirate Party

Shiver me timbers! Does Trawlergirl have a wonderful treat for all of you lovely landlubbers  or what!

It was on a Friday evening a couple of weeks ago when up  popped  a picture on my Facebook newsfeed of one of my friends, Rachel dressed as a pirate.

Rachel Pirate Party4

Now the normal person, ie not a person who writes a blog about celebrations and is mildly obsessed with parties, would have ‘liked’ this pic, wished Rachel and her friends a fab evening and scrolled down to the next FB post.

But, oh no, not me.  Armed with inside knowledge of the lovely Rachel (she really is a fabulously good egg!)  I messaged her straight away to ask if her get together could be featured here on  ‘How I Partied‘.  Much to my delight, the lady said yes!

Rachel Pirate Party3

Rachel Pirate Party7

Rachel Pirate Party1

What a beautiful bevy of buccaneers!

Rachel Pirate Party5

Rachel Pirate Party2

Rachel Pirate Party6

Rachel was also more than happy to answer a few questions about their ‘Yo ho ho’ of a night and how it all came about:

Me: Please tell me a little bit about why you and your friends chose the Pirate theme

Rachel:   ‘We’ve decided between 5 friends to take it in turns each month to throw a dinner party at our house and to make a theme of it. Not 100% sure why she picked pirates but think she was thinking it would be quite easy and cheap for us to get the bits for’

Me: ‘Who was the host and what was the occasion?’

Rachel: Julie and it was just her turn to host. Weird because i’ve been friends with her for 12 years but never been in her house before!

Me: Where did the party take place?

Rachel: At Julie’s house.

Me:  Who was on the guest list? 

Rachel: Four of Julie’s friends, although her husband and three children were milling around in the background…

Me: What made this party so successful and so much fun? Do you have any party tips you would like to share?

Rachel: It was great because everyone made a real effort to dress up and Julie had decorated her house with pirate themed decorations.  She had also set up a treasure hunt in her massive garden with clues searching for gold! We played Saucy Charades and ate until we were bursting! Party ended about midnight.


I love this party!  A fabulous theme, with lots of fun details.  The treasure hunt sounds like a blast, I adore the pirate place cards and I hope that was rum in those shot glasses, ladies!

HIPStars (that’s How I Partied Stars!) Clever innit?

Thank you so much to Rachel and her wonderful friends for sharing their real party with us today on Trawlergirl.

The ladies have entered the How I Partied Hall of Fame and now become the proud owners of a sparkly Trawlergirl badge for them to proudly display where ever they please.

tg_badge with sparkles

Want to Join the party?

Here at Trawlergirl, I love real party submissions.  Call me a moment junkie but there really is nothing finer than people having a good time and I’m figuring if you are still reading then you feel like that too.

So join me in  the party revolution, share your moments and your fun here.  It’s easy as pie to do.  Just email me your details and a few pics to and let’s keep this party going.

Remember, YOU are the party

