10 Top Tips for a Tip Top Hen Do

Happy New Year!

Twinwood 2012

Me on Hen do number 2 in 2012

So, you’ve been asked to organise the hen do!  With such a big request comes great responsibility. 

No one wants to wake screaming from nightmares about split restaurant bills, dodgy hotel rooms or inane wanderings around streets you don’t know in a strange town you don’t know trying to find somewhere that will accommodate the bride to be and 20 or so of her nearest and dearest.

Don’t worry, follow this advice and you too can be a certified Hen Do Ninja!

1. If you are not one, get yourself a ‘super organiser’.  Someone who will help you to go the extra mile to making the hen do super special for the bride and her hens. A lady with a love of all things spreadsheet worthy is a treasure for sure!

2. Consult with the bride.  If you know that she really doesn’t want to wear a willy hat on her head for the duration of the do, then don’t make her do it!  It’s just mean.  

3. Choose activities wisely.  Your friend has asked you to organize her hen do, because she knows that you know her well.  Always remind yourself of this fact when planning any activities.  Will she love it?  If you are not sure, cross it off your list and move on to the next option.

4. Consider everyone’s budget.  Attending a wedding can be a costly affair.  The hen do can also leave a serious dent in people’s pockets too.  Remember, the hens all love the bride to be, that’s why she has invited them, but they don’t want to be eating baked beans for six months in her honour.

5. Optional options.  This is a great way to ensure that people can attend but can choose to opt in or out of activities, and/or nights. If it’s a weekend away,consider hiring a house so that people can come and go as they please.  A mixture of planned time and free time worked really well on my own hen do.

6. Don’t spam the hens.  Over emailing people will just get on their nerves.  Try to keep all of your communication as concise as possible. An itinerary really helps too.  Especially for those who may wish to opt in and out.

7. Do your research.  There is nothing worse, in my honest opinion, than a hen do that loses its way.  Ensure that you are familiar with the area that you have chosen to celebrate in. If it’s a city location, plan ahead by ringing bars, reserving tables and even pre-ordering food and drinks all go along way to ensuring that you all have a great time.

8.  No nasty surprises. If you have done number 7, believe me you wont have any disgruntled out of pocket hens and this is a BIG plus.  You can then just get on with having a great time!  This goes for the bride too, if you wouldn’t want it done to yourself, don’t do it to your lovely friend.

9. Plan some icebreakers. The chances are that the hens will come from all areas of the brides life, family, friends and work colleagues. This is a perfect opportunity for them to forge some great friendships ahead of the big day.  There are some fun games here.

10. Keeping it together. Be sure that either you or a.n. other can keep the hen do ticking along nicely by assuming the role of team leader thus ensuring that any itinerary is followed.  Sounds all very official but you don’t want all of your hard work going to waste because someone forgot to keep an eye on the time.

Most of all, just make sure that you have a great time.  Laugh until you cry. Make some special memories for your dear friend.  She will love you forever for it.

Here’s my recommendations too



Anything I’ve forgotten? Feel free to share your top tips and experiences too.

Happy organising!

Love, confetti and heart charms!



9 thoughts on “10 Top Tips for a Tip Top Hen Do

  1. Pingback: 10 Top Tips for a Tip Top Hen Do

  2. Pingback: Link Love 6.01.2014 | Pretty Mayhem

  3. This is so full of good ideas Anita – why won’t someone I know get married so I can organise their hen do?! Haha! And I love your dress in the photo – tres tropical and fabulous. 🙂 Here’s to a gorgeous 2014 for you!

  4. [Anita – not sure if my last comment reached you as I wasn’t logged in, so ignore this otherwise!!!] — Wanted to tell you how much I loved the ideas in this post. I wish someone I know would hurry up and get engaged so I can organise a fabulous hen do!! I also adore your dress in the pic – so tropical and fun. 🙂 Here’s to a fabulous 2014 for you Anita! xxx

  5. Pingback: Friday Treasures | Trawlergirl – Celebration Inspiration – Home of How I Partied

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